MinuteNurse Home health & care – Centar za negu starih i bolesnih

Milica Dželebdžić
Dietician and nutritionist Milica Dželebdžić graduated from the Higher Medical School in Zemun. She gained work experience in the Emergency Center and Clinic for Endocrinology of the Clinical Center of Serbia, as well as in the Center for the Prevention of Metabolic Diseases at the Health Center in Lazarevac. He has many years of experience in private practice. It deals…

Miljana Stanojević
Physiotherapist Miljana Stanojević graduated from secondary medical school in Belgrade and obtained the title of Physiotherapist technician. She trained in the field of therapeutic massage. She gained experience at the “Banjica” Institute of Orthopedics, “Rakovica” Health Center, “Partizan” Basketball Club, as well as in long-term private practice. A special type of interest and success in work is reflected in rehabilitation…

Danijela Branković
Licensed nurse Danijela Branković graduated from Zvezdara Medical School in Belgrade. More than 25 years of hospital work experience as one of the managers of the operating theater of the “Banjica” Institute of Orthopedics and an assistant in numerous operations. Procedures for implementing sterility measures to prevent the spread of infection are a special area of interest.

Dr. Đurđa Filipović graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Belgrade and shortly after completing her studies, she got a job at the City Institute for Emergency Medical Assistance, where she worked as a doctor in the field and dealt with emergency conditions in internal medicine (myocardial infarction, pulmonary edema… ), neurological (stroke, epilepsy…), surgical, severely traumatized…

Dr Saša Dželebdžić
From 2020 on postgraduate doctoral studies at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Kragujevac. On April 21, 2016, he passed the exam in narrow specialization – cardiology, at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Belgrade with an excellent grade. 23.10.2013. passed the specialist exam in Internal Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of the University…

Sloba Dželebdžić
Sloba Dželebdžić graduated from the secondary medical school “Nadežda Vilimanović-Janković” in Čačak, and then from the Business School and the Faculty of Business Studies in Belgrade. She gained her first work experience as a nurse at the private polyclinic for plastic and reconstructive surgery “AiS clinic” in Belgrade. With her work, responsibility, and desire for knowledge, as well as her…

Sloba Dželebdžić
Sloba Dželebdžić je završila srednju medicinsku školu “Nadežda Vilimanović-Janković” u Čačku, a potom Višu poslovnu školu i Fakultet za poslovne studije u Beogradu. Svoje prvo radno iskustvo stekla je kao medicinska sestra privatne poliklinike za plastičnu i rekonstruktivnu hirurgiju “AiS clinic” u Beogradu. Svojim radom, odgovornošću i željom za znanjem, kao i svojim organizacionim sposobnostima, sa samo dvadeset jednom godinom…

Dr Saša Dželebdžić
Od 2020.godine na postdiplomskim doktorskim studijama na Fakultetu medicinskih nauka Univeziteta u Kragujevcu. 21.04.2016.godine položio ispit iz uže specijalizacije – kardiologije, na Medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu sa odličnom ocenom. 23.10.2013. godine položio specijalistički ispit iz Interne medicine na Medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu sa ocenom odličan. Škola Color poppler Sonograije Thomas Jefferson University Ultrasound Diagnostic Center 19.06.2009.god. Škola ultrazvuka…

Dr Đurđa Filipović
Dr Đurđa Filipović završila je Medicinski fakultet na Univerzitetu u Beogradu i ubrzo nakon završetka studija se zaposlila u Gradskom zavodu za hitnu medicinsku pomoć, gde je radila kao lekar na terenu i bavila se zbrinjavanjem urgentnih stanja kod internističkih (infarkt miokarda, plućni edemi …), neuroloških (moždani udari, epilepsija …), hirurških, teško traumatizovanih pacijenata. Sada započinje specijalizaciju iz anesteziologije sa…