Urinary incontinence it is an inability to control urination or to retain urine.

MinuteNurse Home health & care-Center for the care of the elderly and sick
Urinary incontinence it is an inability to control urination or to retain urine.
Dementia it is the loss of mental abilities in at least two areas, such as the ability to remember, speak, perceive, Orient in space, and make logical inferences.
Massage they are the most natural form of healing, and also the oldest.
Decubitus it's a chronic ranu from lying in one position, i.e. long-term pressure, which results in damage to the skin and tissue under it.
Difference of services of nurse, caregiver and gerontodomist it's not negligible.
Wound dressing je neophodno kako bi one pravilno zarasle.
The benefits of personal home care are numerous.
Medical tourism je pojam koji sve češće čujemo kod nas.
Briga o starima u domovima zdravlja je od neprocenjivog značaja za rehabilitaciju pojedinca nakon specifične povrede, bolesti ili traume.