Telemedicina ili „lečenje na daljinu“ predstavlja upotrebu komunikacionih tehnologija radi prevencije, dijagnostike i lečenja pacijenata koji se nalaze na drugoj lokaciji. Potreba za ovim načinom lečenja se povećala tokom pandemije što je dovelo do razvoja novih tehnologija, među kojima je i telemedicinska narukvica.

This innovation allows users to have twenty-four-hour care and constant monitoring of the patient's condition through the app. The bracelet regularly measures vital parameters and constantly sends them to a mobile application for telemedicine or internet platform, thus providing monitoring. It has an SOS button, a GPS module, and it also has drop detection. The fall detector will automatically detect a dangerous event and alert caregivers and family, making performing daily activities safer.

It is intended for the elderly, patients living alone, people with chronic diseases, pregnant women, etc. Minute Nurse allows you to use a telemedicine bracelet for health care and protection purposes. All additional information can be obtained by calling our phone number.

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