Decubitus it's a chronic ranu from lying in one position, i.e. long-term pressure, which results in damage to the skin and tissue under it.
The Problem has been known since before the new era. Doctors in Ancient Rome noticed the appearance of specific wounds that occurred after a long lie on a bed that served for rest. It was from this bed that they got their name. From the Latin words “decumbre “meaning” to lie down “and” cubitum " as the bed was called.
Decubital wounds were also known in Ancient Egypt, as confirmed by traces on mummies. However, decubitis was first reported in the medical literature at the age of 19. century.
What are the causes of decubitus?
Although literally meaning “lying wound”, decubitus can also be the result of sitting in a wheelchair for a long time. It occurs in the parts of the body that are most exposed to pressure, and under the skin is bone covered with a thin layer of muscle tissue. Usually the critical zones are parts of the spine, back, elbows, hips, gluteus and heels. Although they can also form in the urinary system due to catheters, as well as in the oral cavity due to the pressure of a broken tooth or inappropriate dentures.
The main reason for the appearance of these wounds is pressure, but there are a number of others. The constant moisture of the skin creates suitable conditions. Why care of old faces which are immovable places the greatest emphasis on maintaining personal hygiene. It involves, first of all, regularly changing bedding, pyjamas and diapers.
The comfort of the bed is also of great importance, and immobile patients are advised to lie on anti-decubite mattresses. As they are specially designed to prevent the formation of wounds, the use of these mattresses is an excellent prevention measure.
Decubitus can also be caused by internal factors. They are tied to poor nutrition leading to malnutrition or obesity. Then, anemia, diabetes, and even certain drugs are classified as potential causes.
Decubitis develops gradually
At the place of pressure, first, there is a noticeable redness that does not disappear when pressed. It is accompanied by pain, itching and heat, because the temperature in that area of the skin is higher.
Soon, edema develops with redness, and bubbles appear on the skin, and partially on the subcutaneous tissue. They circularly expand and form blisters, which crack so that the skin takes on a purplish blue color.
Over time, tissue necrosis occurs, as a result of which the skin becomes dry and increasingly black, and the wounds grow into craters. This stage is also characterized by the occurrence of infection.
Deep ulcers occur in the last stage. The muscle tissue is completely destroyed, so parts of the bone are visible.
Care for decubital wounds
With proper health care decubital wounds I can heal. A key role is played by home care medical staff.
Treatment includes cleaning, treatment with creams prescribed by a doctor, and wound dressing special compresses that speed up the healing process.
Also, personal care of old faces with this problem includes a regular change in the position of the body, regular meals made from healthy foods rich in nutrients, as well as adequate maintenance of personal hygiene every day.
The Center for the care of the elderly and sick, MinuteNurse Home health & care has professional nurses, but also trained caregivers who will help you in the treatment of decubital wounds. The benefits of personal home care what we offer is reflected in the highest measures of prevention of the occurrence of decubitis in Immobile clients.