Medical tourism
Medical tourism is a branch of tourism that refers to the provision of health services to people who have decided to perform the necessary or desired medical treatment in Serbia or another country that can provide them with equally good conditions at a low cost of treatment.
Previously, people traveled from less developed countries to major medical centers in highly developed countries for treatment that was not available at home. However, in recent years, medical tourism can equally apply to those who travel from developed countries to developing countries for treatment. Motivation may also be tied to medical services not available in the home country.
What really puts the word ”tourism" the concept of medical tourism is the possibility of staying abroad after a medical procedure as well as getting to know the culture of the chosen country.
When it comes to medical tourism, Minute Nurse provides almost all types of health care, including all branches of medicine, from preventive treatment to rehabilitation forms of travel both in Serbia and abroad.
As Serbia is also well positioned in this sphere, foreigners are increasingly visiting our country because health services are at the same level as in other countries, but prices are much lower.
If you need treatment abroad or come from a foreign country to Serbia, contact us and we will provide you with everything from arranging documentation to transportation from the airport to the hospital.