MinuteNurse Home health & care-Center for the care of the elderly and sick
Pharmacogenetics deals with genetic differences in metabolic pathways that affect an individual's response to drugs.
Nega bolesnih lica
Care of old faces
Negu palijativnih pacijenata kod kuće obavljaju stručne privatne medicinske sestre i negovateljice sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom, radnim danima i vikendom.
Minute Nurse home care and health care for mothers and babies has a team of experienced pediatric nurses, midwives and nursing nurses who will make sure that maternity and babies receive complete professional care in accordance with their needs and requirements.
Medicinska pomoć i pregledi
Apoteka, medicinska oprema i kompletna medicinska podrška u Vašem domu.
Usluga pružanja nege u zavisnosti od potreba korisnika, medicinska nega, gerantodomaćinska nega, usluge negovateljice.
Društvene aktivnosti u skladu sa potrebama korisnika.