Possibility to buy food it is an important part of good and independent aging. We support older people to control the food they buy with our grocery delivery and escort shopping services.

Services under escort

They are suitable for older people who are mobile enough to go out, but they need extra help in transporting them to and from the grocery store. These shopping services they may be individual or in which staff assist one client with purchases, or alternatively, in Group purchases.

In addition to helping with shopping, they provide older people, especially those living alone, with the opportunity to go out and interact with others.

Some older people are tied to the house and cannot shop on their own. MinuteNurse works with an older person to create a shopping list, and their groceries are then delivered home.

Why is shopping difficult for the elderly?

One in five (19%) people aged 80-84 say they have difficulty buying groceries. This increases to 60% for those over the age of 90. Our research shows that older people face many barriers to buying food:

Difficulty getting to food stores, especially for those living in rural areas with further travel and those who do not drive a car.
Store layout can be hampered by high or low shelves and a lack of suitable rest areas
It is difficult to carry goods to and from the supermarket.

Some people struggle with online shopping and / or value the social interaction of personal shopping.
Age UK runs local food shopping services which have a number of benefits for older people, including preventing malnutrition, reducing social isolation and allowing them to be independent and stay longer in their home.

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