Mobile customers are provided with daily gym. For heavier mobile and immobile clients and those who have acute or chronic difficulties associated with the locomotor system, it is offered individual approach to solving the problem.

Customers are available and occupational therapy and various types of massage.

A physiotherapist is a healthcare professional who manages the physical therapy process. It works with people of all ages to preserve and promote health and support function and autonomy when individuals have problems caused by any disorder affecting the trigger system and / or disability that is a product of those disorders.

Elderly needs for physical therapy

The goal of physical therapy the elderly are encouraging people to engage in physical activity. It is a misconception that older people are sluggish and difficult to move and do not need physical activity. On the contrary, people who regularly engage in physical activities, whether recreational sports or walking, are more mobile and their locomotor system is in better shape. Also, such habits result in better coping with possible illness, and the impact of physical activity on mental health is well known. During the process of biological aging, there is inevitably a decline in body systems and functions, for example, in addition to muscle mass, height decreases by about 5-7 cm depending on sex and physical constitution, disturbances in the supply of oxygen to tissues and consequently reduced endurance. These physiological, natural processes can be further burdened by chronic diseases,

  • rheumatic (arthrosis, diseases of the spine, extraarticular rheumatism),
  • neurological (conditions after cerebrovascular accident, Parkinson's disease),
  • cardiovascular diseases (high blood pressure, angina pectoris, heart rhythm disorders),
  • respiratory (bronchitis, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
  • urogenital (urinary tract infections, prostate diseases, incontinence)

These are just some of the chronic diseases that cause a decrease in the mobility of the locomotor system, thus making it impossible to perform daily activities (reduced ability to take care of yourself).
The quiet age receives both Immobile and comfortably mobile clients in need of daily physical therapy and they are extremely necessary also to prevent complications of prolonged lying down (decubitus, congestive pneumonia, contractures, thrombosis).

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