Minute Nurse – Hospice and palliative care of patients

Aging and illness, unfortunately, none of us can avoid, but what we can do is to make the last days of a loved one as easy as possible during those days.

This is precisely why there is hospice and palliative care for patients.

Hospice is a system of interdisciplinary care that provides palliative care services for patients of all ages, if they have six months or less to live. It implies a comprehensive approach to a person with the aim of satisfying all physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs.
In most cases, hospice care is actually synonymous with palliative care.

Palliative care implies active complete care for patients whose disease no longer responds to treatment. It is primarily an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families, helping them to face problems related to the disease.

Palliative care is, in fact, based on the needs of the patient, not only on the prognosis of the disease. Thanks to this comprehensive approach, the team of doctors and caregivers will help the patient gain strength and enable him to function normally.

This type of patient care is a treatment, or rather a series of specially adapted treatments that remove and alleviate the inconveniences, symptoms and stress that a serious illness brings to the patient (pain, fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, weakness, depression, insomnia, anxiety, vomiting, problems with a chair, etc.). The negative effects that invasive therapies and radical surgical interventions can cause in patients are also mitigated.

The care of palliative patients at home is performed by professional private nurses and caregivers with many years of experience, on weekdays and weekends, at times that suit the patient and his relatives the most.

For every question and concern Minute Nurse Hospice & Palliative care is at your disposal

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