The birth of a baby is the most beautiful experience in every woman’s life. However, when it comes to young mothers, that experience very often turns into unnecessary fear and insecurity, especially in the first weeks of the baby’s life.

After giving birth, during the recovery period and after that, a woman needs specific care and help with her baby, and that is exactly why we came to meet all young mothers.

Minute Nurse home care and health care for mothers and babies has a team of experienced pediatric nurses, midwives and visiting nurses who will make sure that mothers and babies receive complete professional care in accordance with their needs and requirements.

Home care for mothers in labor includes: breast care for mothers in labor and smearing, professional breast and nipple care, breast massage, removal of milk stagnation in the milk ducts by manual smearing or with a pump, help in the treatment of mastitis (inflammation of the breast), episithymia care and wound care after caesarean section.

Baby care at home includes care of newborns, treatment and toileting of the navel, bathing and skin care, swaddling and dressing of newborns.

Call us, because we are here to make your first days with your baby easier and make the role of mother the best experience in your life from the very beginning.

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